Healing Light

In the quiet of the night, I find my peace, Whispers of the stars bring my soul release. Every tear I've cried, like a river flows, Washing away the pain, letting healing grow. Breathe in the silence, let the worries fade, In this gentle moment, I’m unafraid. With every heartbeat, I reclaim my light, Finding strength within, ready for the fight. The shadows may linger, but I’ll face the dawn, With the warmth of hope, I’ll carry on. Each scar tells a story, a chapter of grace, In the tapestry of life, I find my place. Let the winds of change carry me away, To a brighter tomorrow, where I can stay. Embracing the journey, I’ll rise and soar, In this heart of healing, I’m whole once more. So here I stand, with arms open wide, Inviting the light, letting love be my guide. Through the storms and the trials, I’ve learned to believe, In the power of healing, I’m ready to receive.
Healing Light
Длительность: 03:21Время создания: 09/24/2024 03:23

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