Finding My Way

In the mirror, I see a stranger, A reflection of dreams I used to chase. With every step, I shed my armor, Learning to embrace my own pace. Through the shadows, I’ve walked alone, Facing fears that whispered in the dark. But with each trial, I’ve grown stronger, Igniting the fire, rekindling the spark. I’ll rise like the dawn after the night, Breaking the chains that held me tight. With open arms, I’ll welcome the change, In this journey of life, I’ll rearrange. Every scar tells a story, a lesson learned, In the flames of the past, my spirit burned. I’ll dance in the rain, I’ll laugh through the pain, Embracing the storms, I’ll never be the same. So here I stand, unafraid to fall, In the tapestry of life, I’ll give it my all. With every heartbeat, I’ll find my way, This is my moment, I’m ready to stay. No more hiding, no more fear, I’ve found my voice, the path is clear. In the journey of self, I’ll always believe, With every step forward, I learn to achieve.
Finding My Way
Длительность: 03:05Время создания: 09/24/2024 03:21

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