Echoes of Solitude

In the silence of my room, I hear the echoes call, The distance between us feels like a brick wall. Scrolling through the memories, faces on a screen, Wishing for connection in this empty scene. Lonely nights stretch on, stars are shining bright, But they can’t fill the void in the quiet of the night. Every laugh feels distant, every smile a ghost, In this crowded space, it’s you I miss the most. Chorus of the heartbeats, but no one’s around, Just the whispers of the shadows, making no sound. Longing for the moment when we can embrace, Until then, I’ll hold your memory in this lonely space. Days blend into nights, time slips away, Counting all the moments that we can’t replay. Through the window, I watch the world go by, But behind these walls, it’s just you and I. So I’ll send my thoughts to the stars above, Hoping they carry my message of love. In the stillness, I’ll find a way to cope, Holding onto the thread of our shared hope. When the world reopens, and we’re side by side, I’ll cherish every heartbeat, no more need to hide. For now, I’ll find strength in this solitude, Knowing that one day, we’ll break through the gloom.
Echoes of Solitude
Durée: 03:26Heure de Création: 09/24/2024 03:24

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